Hospital and Institutions

What is an H&I Presentation?

The purpose of an H&I presentation is to carry the message of recovery to addicts who do not have full access to regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings. H&I meetings, except for those in long-term facilities, are intended to introduce those addicts in attendance to the basics of the NA program.

An H&I meeting is generally a service provided by an area service committee’s H&I subcommittee. These meetings occur in hospitals, treatment centers, correctional facilities, and adolescent institutions. Rather than being an NA group, it is vital that an H&I meeting always be held under the direction of an H&I subcommittee.

How can we start a Panel Presentation?

Reach out to the Catawba Valley Area of NA at  Your information will be forwarded to our Hospitals and Institutions subcommittee.  A panel of members will come to meet with you and your staff.  This allows us to clearly discuss what we do with your team and allows both parties to determine how to proceed.